Who's the winner ?

Ladies and Gentlemen, here's the toplist you've all been waiting for ! Who has the most goregous binkini body in Hollywood ? Lets find out ;D

Number 5 - Damn! Rihanna got It all when It comes to the body -  not when It comes to the face . But  we like It! ;D

Number 4 - Out standing ! J.Lo is number 4, with her smoking hot bikini body ;D

Number 3 - WOW ! Halle Barry is more than just IT at the beach with that body! Keep It Real, girl !

Number 2 - Astonishing ! Eva Mendes takes spot number 2 with a honor for that sexy body!

NUMBER 1 !!!!!! Jessica Alba has the most sexiest, hottest and most goregous bikini body ! This is fantastic girl ;D

What do you think ? ;D Give a comment, and please, give some more examples .
Maybe your favourite will come up ? ;D

the sound from the kids .

I saw a girl the other day who was on the street and begged for food. I sat down and said
"come here my little child. I'll try to explain why your mother is gone, daddy is dead, and why you cry so often. I know you're thinking about the day they came, with many helicopters. Everyhing you saw was a bomb.
You run through kindergarden, straight into the fire. Daddy law dead on the floor next to your bed.
Under him law your littlebrother, that couldn't breathe at all.
You run out and started to scream for your mum. And now you're hear, my black queen on my knee.
 You're beggingfor money in a tough misery. I wish i could dry your little tear.
I'm sorry, I don't have any awnser on why they dissapeared."

She climbs down from my knee and reach her hand out to me.

I woke up the other day, and I was in Libanon. I sat by a boy, he was like thirteen. One arm, one leg. He sat on the sidewalk. Sat there and was watching the blowed up city. He didn't know where his family was today. I reach out my hand and said "come here little child." I tried to explain why now he couldn't kick a ball with the other kids in the slum. I didn't know what to say to give him support. The bombs were dropping down, why the hell do they want to kill him ?! Hes only a child, that was born at the wrong place. The anger from Israeli. USA get big power.
George Bush doesn't give a damn about that boy in Beyrud. He stands gladly at the funeral and do a military salut.
SO FUCK USA AND THEIR POLITICS! Their bombs made a child invalid.

The other day I saw a infant baby, with a cover around, in Afghanistania. I picked him up, the baby, he didn't make a sound. Had a facelook like he just had seen God. I picked him up, hold him tight into my breast, and hoped that his soul was going to heaven first. With a dead little child in my arms I kept on moving. I screamed out
 " PLEASE, CAN YOU STOP THIS SUFFERING ?! " Stop dropping bombs, the kids needs peace. Instead of shooting with guns, put some food on a spoon. Give the kids somethingt o belive on in life. And fuck politics, what do they know about the war ? I'm holding up a dead child so everyone can see, exactely was is going on, exactley how It Is. The bombs are falling and the kids is in the fire. I give the corpse a kiss on the forehead. 


You were my favourite drug .

I'm lying here on the floor, where you left me. I think I took to much. I'm crying here, what have you done ?
I thought It would be fun. I can't stay on your lifesupport, there's a shortage in the switch. I can't stay on your morphine, because It's making me itch. I said "I tried to call the nurse again, but she is being a little bitch", I think I'll get outta here.
Where I can run. Just fast as I can. To The middle of nowhere. To the middle of my frustrated fears.
And I swear. You're just like a pill. Instead of making me better, you keep making me ill. You keep making me ill.

Sucha brats !


Hmm, what can I say ? Oh that's right ; WHAT THE HELL AM I GOING TO WEAR?! No clothes, no accessories, no make-up.. BLAH .   Sometimes I always ask God "what did i do to deserve this kind of frustration and unhappiness?" But hey, what kind of question is that ? I mean, think about It . There's like a thousands, millions of childeren that don't got any clothes at all. Here I'm standing, every morning, and get angry because I don't know what to wear In school . But think about those who don't have any shirts, that always freezing ? Or maybe that country that doesn't can afford starting a school so that the kids can get a education. We're sucha Brats, comparing to them . Whatever happends, you may always remember; there's people who have worse. But hey, I still got MY form of problem.. Haha, what the hell am I going to wear ? :P

What If I said I'm Sorry ?

image7        "Sorry seems to be the hardest word" . Well, I gotta say that I agree a little . To say the word sorry, Is like saying " ok fine, you were right." And that's a hard thing to do, belive me cuz i know ! But WHY Is It so hard ? Why Is It so hard to admit that you have wrong when you have wrong ? I wish I could tell you, but I have that problem myself . It Is so hard for me to confess that I'm having wrong . And It's not just that, sorry Is a word to forget what's happening . You could do an awful mistake, like dating you best friends partner . All though, It Is YOUR fault . And you still just can't say Sorry . Come on people, It's just a word! Start to use It ! It's a tiny little word with a big influence .

Make Sorry the finest and most wonderful word .
Make people understand their obligation . 

Bye, C ya tomorrow ;D

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