Passion for Fashion, Obsession for Dressing Up ;D

image4   Clothes, clothes and clothes.
Am I the only person who loves clothes, but just hating shopping ? Oh, well I hate shopping when I'm supposed to be shopping for myself. God should know I work hard with that! But when my friends want me to go with them, I actually enjoy It. Because when I'm shopping for myself I never find anything that fits good. I know I havn't the perfect body, I'm actually kinda fat. "More to love" like mom says . But hey, that's cool with me. I've choosed to be like this. If i don't want It, then go to a fitness program or something, and do something about It! I would never complain at my body in front of my friends, cuz It's like saying "please tell me I'm not fat, because that's why I want to hear" .  So pathetic. Sorry, I'm kinda missing the point here. Where was I ? Oh, that's right! Shopping . 
      image5 Who came up with the Fashion ? Who decides what we, the people, are going to look like right now. That tells us to be thin, so you could ware these pants or to have blond hair so they would fit for those goggles or that purse ? I'm sick of the Fashion Inc. Who are they to decide what I'm going to look like ? Now you must think "Hey girl, they don't put the clothes on you, that's all up to you!" Well, you're right . But do I get accepted If I'm not ? I do, by my friends, but not for you, who have the whole fashion thing behind your back! But then I think again.. Why should I worry ? Why should I care ? My friends and my family Is all I need . And the person who would tell me "Oh my god, you're kinda big girl!" Here's something for you ;  I may be fat, but you're a idiot! But guess what ? I can go slim ;) 

Now I gotta bounce ladies and men . 
If you thaught I'm overreacted in this little piece of "article", please let me know.  
And those fuckers who writes those things at, I want you to know that I don't give a shit. 
If you wanna give me a bad time, come to me, face to face . You even write to me as a  anonymous person.
Hahaha, you're a coward. So be gone, and let me live my life ;D Cuz I don't give a shit about what u think!


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